Decision fatigue: What it is, and how to end it.

millennial woman exhausted from decision fatigue

What is decision fatigue, you ask?

Decision fatigue is the mental and physical fatigue that comes from having to make a lot of decisions in a row, resulting in poor decision making or lack of self control.  

Exhausted from having to decide everyone's meals, every day, over and over, after you've worked, or wrangled crazy toddlers all day?  

You let out a big sigh, and say “let's just get take out again” because you just can't muster the energy to come up with a recipe, much less actually cook dinner for everyone.  

Then, you're hit with the shame cycle…"we really should eat better. I feel terrible, and my clothes don't fit. It's all my fault. If I just had some self control…" 

and it gets worse from there.

Sound familiar?


It's not that you lack discipline. You lack rhythms. 

The human brain LOVES predictability


Your brain is wired to predict what's going to happen next, and it sends signals to your nervous system to act accordingly. When it has no idea what's going to happen next (ie that new hobby or new job), it sends the signal to your nervous system that death is imminent.  

While this sounds kind of absurd and funny, your body doesn't know the difference between doing something for the first time, and being eaten by a bear. It all feels scary and ominous. Your brain's job is to keep you safe and comfy. 

Your job is to reassure your brain that you will survive, and all is well. 

One of the ways you can do this, is rhythms. While we can't plan every moment of every day, rhythms can help keep our brains energized and our nervous system cool as a cucumber. The reason? Predictability.  

When you make the same decisions over and over each day, they become deeply programed, and the result is actually NOT having to think about it. You just DO it.  

A great example of this is driving to work or school. You go there every day, you take the same route, at the same time. Ever notice that you get so lost in thought that suddenly, you are at your destination, and you have no idea how you got there?  

Your brain was operating on autopilot, giving you the energy to focus on something else at the same time. This is the real multitasking.

When you are able to operate this way with everyday tasks, you have more energy to devote to important decisions, problem solving, and unexpected circumstances.

You are more prepared, able, and equipped for the hard stuff.

Now you know the WHY behind rhythms. Let’s talk about the HOW…

  1. Pick ONE habit-(Zechariah 4:10 Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.) Do not try to change everything overnight. Do a quick assessment and decide what thing needs the most attention right now. Check the main areas: mental, emotional, physical, spiritual-This may be the season you need to start seeing a therapist. Perhaps you need to pick a bible study and get deep in the word. Maybe it’s time to join a gym, or pick a time of day to go for a walk…whatever it is, pick one area of focus.

  2. Pick a time-Want your brain to get in a new rhythm easily? Do it at the same time every day. Obviously, not every day is exactly the same, and things will come up from time to time, but you’ll notice that for the most part, you can stick to this one pretty easily if the time works for the task. This may take a little adjusting here and there, so don’t be afraid to tweak as needed. For instance, you may want to start a workout routine, and you think it would be best to do it at 7am, but after a few days of struggle, you realize that 7am is not the optimal time for a workout, and maybe 11am, right before lunch is easier for you. Again, adjust as needed until you find the best fit.

  3. Remove obstacles- Pair your new desired habit with one that’s already deeply engrained. Want to start taking supplements? Set them next to your coffee maker if you wouldn’t dare to miss a cup each morning. Want to start a morning walking routine, and already have a habit of listening to a podcast? Listen as you walk! This will make the new task more enjoyable, and harder to forget or put off.

  4. Allow grace-Implementing new habits and rhythms can be an adjustment. One of my favorite mindset tricks is to think of it as an experiment. “I will try this out for 30 days, and then evaluate.” Is this working for me? If not, what would work better? Then, try again! Nothing is set in stone, and there is no such thing as failure. Only information gathered to make a better decision going forward. Don’t be afraid to adjust as needed.

You are the architect of your life, my friend. Sometimes, you need more than a few quick tips. Hiring a coach can help you reduce your time of suffering, and adjust without guilt or shame. As your coach, I can help you build a vision, keep perspective, develop a plan, and hold you accountable. If you’ve struggled to implement new habits in the past, it doesn’t have to be this way. You may just need some help.

Your transformation is waiting.

Book a free call to find out if hiring a coach is the right move for you in this season.


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